We are exploring reformed theology and living in community. Here are some thoughts and observations along the way.

Saturday, July 26, 2008

Lifters around me

I am studying leadership. Leadership has always fascinated me - perhaps because I have always been told that I am a leader. I have found that I am most functional as a leader when I am taking the time to honestly evaluate myself as a leader. I have to really try in order to be effective.

I think some are more naturally inclined towards positive and effective leadership. These people I envy, for they, out of habit or impulse, lead effectively. I find that I have to grind some stuff out - focus on leadership development constantly.

Why? Because most leadership revolves around character. In order for me to lead, I must be leading myself - and that doesn't happen on accident.

Today, Jesus, I need to be led by you. I need your Spirit to guide me and hone me. Thank you for the many opportunities to grow, to learn and to change. Thank you for being patient with me, for directing my steps and for always placing me where you want me to be.

David had Jonathan. Jonathan was the next in line to be king (according to normal royal-bloodline progressions), but David had been anointed to be king. Instead of hating David, Jonathan served David and directly helped him to become who he was called to be. John Maxwell points out 3 things that Jonathan did for David, so that David could overcome obstacles in his life
  1. He lifted up David with his words
    David needed encouragement - he needed affirmation and he needed to be challenged. Jonathan was able to thrust David forward with the power of words. Two things for me - I am stating today that I am going to increase my positive words and encouragement to the leaders around me. Secondly, I am so grateful for the people in my life who speak encouragement to me.
  2. He raised David up with his actions
    David needed Jonathan to equip him and to ratify his leadership. I see that need in my own life. I have people in my life - praise the Lord - who rally around me. Without these people I would not be in the place that I am. May I never take it for granted - I am where I am because of others! Thank you Jesus!
  3. He 'gave up' so that David could 'go up'
    Jonathan gave up his "rights" so David could be successful. Am I giving up my "rights" so that others can be successful? Am I grateful for the others around me who have given up theirs for me?
Lord, it is good to be called. Thank you for placing people around me. I want to grow, to learn and to be the best leader I can be.

I give you this day.

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About Me

Hillsboro, Oregon, United States
Just a guy in Oregon