We are exploring reformed theology and living in community. Here are some thoughts and observations along the way.

Tuesday, December 30, 2008

A prayer for the day

Today - I desire to be more like Jesus.  I want to be more integrous.  I want to be more righteous with my words and my thoughts.  I want to be a leader in action.  I want to have faith and trust that God will do what he says I will do.  I want to be willing to sacrifice.

Jesus, I look to you today.  Thank you for your word which has spoken to my this morning.  I know that you love me and care for me.  I know that you have enough grace to cover my sin and shame and that you and I will be in relationship forever.

Jesus, I lift to you my disobedience - help me to obey.  I lift to you my selfishness and indulgence - help me to be content.  I lift to you my stubbornness - help me to be gentle and willing to hear what others have to say.

Jesus, I give you my family.  I pray that Donia's back would be healed today.  I thank you for her - that she is such a wonderful woman.  I thank you for her strength and wisdom.  I thank you for the beauty that she has.  I pray that as we consider our lives together in 2009 we would follow your leading and wisdom.  I pray that we would always be able to look back with confidence because we have trusted you.  I ask that you would continue to paint our perspective - that you would firmly etch your way and thoughts into our minds.  When we stray, when we think we are wise, please show us our folly.  Jesus, please mold Jenna and Owen into the followers of you.  I pray that from an early age you would save them.  I ask that you would extend grace to them.  I pray that you show them how much they need you.  I pray that you would keep them from harm.  Please help them to help others, to care for others and to be willing to give their lives away.  Give Donia and I great wisdom and patience as we assist in their growth process.

Jesus, I give you my ministry.  I pray that you would give me great wisdom.  I pray that you would help me to move forward with vision and action.  I ask that you would help us find the right youth pastor soon.  And I pray that Winter Retreat would be fantastic.

May I ever be a bright and shining light for you.  

Your son...Isaac

Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Super (natural)

It is interesting how supernaturaul Jesus' beginnings are:
  • Virgin Birth
  • Angel appearing to Joseph to lead him to still marry Mary
  • The Magi from the east who saw the star
  • The dream warning to the Magi (not to go back to Herod)
  • The dream warning to Joseph (that he needed to go to Egypt)
  • The dream while Joseph was in Egypt (letting him know he could return home)
  • The dream warning that led Joseph to live in Nazereth 
I realize as I am studying this that I easily can forget how above everything God is.  He is not limited to the normal laws of earthly life.  Nor does he have to function in a way that makes sense to us.

Also, this passage brings alive the importance of prophecy.  Jesus' birth was foretold through the prophets, and these were not just simple or general prophecies, but were indeed specific.

I am challenged today to see God as bigger.  I am challenged to know him more fully.  I am challenged to let my expectations be larger than what is natural or normal.

God, would you please show yourself to me today?  I love you...

Wednesday, December 03, 2008

Trusting the Bosses of Life

Everyone must submit himself to the governing authorities, for there is no authority except that which God has established. The authorities that exist have been established by God.
Romans 13:1

Today in my reading Ihave come upon this appropiate passage.  It is one that is familiar, but how much I "know" it doesn't mean that I live it out.  Nor does it mean that I understand the far-reaching implications of its truth.  The bottom line is that God is in control.  

I have often wondered how Paul would have written like if he were a part of a democracy.  Winston Churchill is quoted as saying:
Democracy is the worst form of government, except all the rest.

We live in an interesting place - we have the freedom, right and, some would say, the obligation to cast our opinion in on the matter of governmental offices.  So, although God uses whatever means nessecary, in the end he uses our perceptions and thoughts to provide the outcome he sees as correct.

Regardless of our opinion, however, it is His will that is done.  And once his will is done, than we have nothing to do except to submit to his wisdom and plan, which is far superior to any advice I have to offer.

Jesus, today I need to listen to these words and take them to heart.  you have placed me in situations of submission for your own purposes.  I ask that I would exhibit trust in you as I wade through the place of life you have me in.

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

In my weakness

Three different times I begged the Lord to take it away. Each time he said, “My grace is all you need. My power works best in weakness.” So now I am glad to boast about my weaknesses, so that the power of Christ can work through me.  That’s why I take pleasure in my weaknesses, and in the insults, hardships, persecutions, and troubles that I suffer for Christ. For when I am weak, then I am strong.

These words are towards the end of raw segment of Paul's second letter to the Corinthians.  As he has served and given, he has had it all thrown back in his face.  Apparently negative words about Paul had been passed on to Paul.  He then "vented" his frustration to them.

I find strength in these words.  While I haven't endured the same sort of persecution as Paul, nor the criticism, I do find pastoring to be full of betrayal.  People are fickle.  People just don't know the struggle at times.  People let us down.  (as I write this, however, I am reminded of many who consistently bless me)

Paul is admitting that he has weaknesses, but in his weakness, Jesus is made strong and mighty.  I pray that would be the same with me.

Jesus - you know my weaknesses.  You know how often I fail you.  You know when I stumble and drop the ball.   I pray that in spite of me, you would be made strong.  I pray that as I follow you today - that you would watch over me.  I lift up my family today and ask that each of us would follow hard after you.  I pray that we would walk in your grace.  I pray that we would each be reminded of your amazing love today.

Please give me your grace today.  Please settle me and enable me to live as you would like.

Wednesday, November 05, 2008

The Results - how do we react?

 12 But do people know where to find wisdom?
      Where can they find understanding?
 13 No one knows where to find it,
      for it is not found among the living.
 14 ‘It is not here,’ says the ocean.
      ‘Nor is it here,’ says the sea.
 20 “But do people know where to find wisdom?
      Where can they find understanding?
 21 It is hidden from the eyes of all humanity.
      Even the sharp-eyed birds in the sky cannot discover it.
 22 Destruction and Death say,
      ‘We’ve heard only rumors of where wisdom can be found.’
JOB 28:12-14, 20-22

Wisdom is the knowledge of which way to go.

Our country is obviously at a crossroad.  Some are panicked right now because the President-elect doesn't hold the same values as them.  Some are overjoyed.

We don't understand the mind of God - we don't know all of the whys.  We don't see history laid out before us.  But, the one thing we as Christians can bank on - God's purposes will always come about.  God hasn't forgotten his agenda.  He didn't miss this portion of history!  No!  he is on the move, Job states:

23 “God alone understands the way to wisdom;
      he knows where it can be found,
 24 for he looks throughout the whole earth
      and sees everything under the heavens.
 25 He decided how hard the winds should blow
      and how much rain should fall.
 26 He made the laws for the rain
      and laid out a path for the lightning.
 27 Then he saw wisdom and evaluated it.
      He set it in place and examined it thoroughly.
 28 And this is what he says to all humanity:
   ‘The fear of the Lord is true wisdom;
      to forsake evil is real understanding.’”
JOB 28:23-28

I am thrilled!  I am thrilled to serve God!  Our country as a designated piece of land with laws and regulations doesn't serve God!  People serve God and our God is in control!

He knows the beginning from the end.  He is truly the author and the perfecter of our faith!  We shouldn't falter - nor should we be too overjoyed over the outcome of human voting for imperfect and limited systems of voting.  Instead, let us bow in humility to God and rejoice over him - our Lord, the bestower of wisdom.

Jesus, I love you.  Thank you for allowing me to serve you.

Tuesday, November 04, 2008

Humble Power

His Spirit made the heavens beautiful,
      and his power pierced the gliding serpent.
 These are just the beginning of all that he does,
      merely a whisper of his power.
      Who, then, can comprehend the thunder of his power?
Job 26:13-14

And they struck him on the head with a reed stick, spit on him, and dropped to their knees in mock worship. When they were finally tired of mocking him, they took off the purple robe and put his own clothes on him again. Then they led him away to be crucified.
Mark 15:19-20
In our reading this morning these two passages were assigned.  The stark contrast between the two amazes me anew.  The God of the universe - the creator of all things - the one who holds all power in his hands - the one who gives life and sustains life and who takes life away is also the one who subjected himself to extreme persecution, torment and then death.

Job declares the omnipotence of God.  And Mark records the humility of God.

Jesus, today I see that you are power under control.  You are subjected to the will of the Father and it was (is) his will that man be drawn back to him.  It is only through your sacrifice that I am graced even to start to understand your love for me.

You live inside of me, which means that the God of the universe is inside of me, not so that I can move in a way or pray in a way the blesses me, but so that I have the ability to act according to the Father - so that they may know your truth and life.  Jesus thank you for always being my friend - but I will not take for granted that you wish for me to remain in submission to everything that you are and say.

What are my standing orders today my Lord?  Speak to me.  Help to do the little things right.  I pray that I would be a man of character today.  I pray that I would adequately present you to those who are around me.  I know that you will give me the insight to know how to do that and when.

I bless your name today...I give you honor and glory...I have you my life...

Wednesday, October 29, 2008

I need peace

When Jesus woke up, he rebuked the wind and said to the waves, “Silence! Be still!” Suddenly the wind stopped, and there was a great calm.
Jesus, I see your ability to calm the most difficult storms.  You are the bringer of peace to your people.  You said that you would leave us with peace.  I pray that I would walk into that peace right now.  I lift up to you the coming weekend - all of my doubt and fear - I pray that you would take it.  All of my apprehension - please remove it and replace it with faith.

I would like to be able to walk in a deep calm, even though the things around me are troubled.  Would you please give me the spirit of peace?

I love you and am committed to serve you today.  Would you please help the concert be a success?  Would you please help us to get people there?  

I love you.

Wednesday, October 08, 2008

1 Lord, my heart is not proud;
      my eyes are not haughty.
   I don’t concern myself with matters too great
      or too awesome for me to grasp.
 2 Instead, I have calmed and quieted myself,
      like a weaned child who no longer cries for its mother’s milk.
      Yes, like a weaned child is my soul within me.
 3 O Israel, put your hope in the Lord—
      now and always.
Psalm 131

While ascending to Jerusalem, the people would recite Psalm 131 - why?

This morning I am sick and not feeling well at all.  As I work to go up unto his presence, I sense that the Lord would want to quiet my soul and give me rest.  He would like for me to be in a humble and contrite condition so that I am able to receptive towards his word.

Jesus, today i need to be strengthened by you.  I ask that you would strengthen me and give me rest.

Tuesday, October 07, 2008

Dangerous Trust

...I gave orders for all of us to fast and humble ourselves before our God. We prayed that he would give us a safe journey and protect us, our children, and our goods as we traveled. For I was ashamed to ask the king for soldiers and horsemen to accompany us and protect us from enemies along the way. After all, we had told the king, “Our God’s hand of protection is on all who worship him, but his fierce anger rages against those who abandon him.” So we fasted and earnestly prayed that our God would take care of us, and he heard our prayer.
Ezra 8:21b-23

Do I trust the Lord with my life?  Ezra had made a declaration of who God was - and then he chose to trust the Lord.  He trusted God when it wasn't easy.  He trusted God when it was dangerous to do so.

Dangerous trust.  Will I allow the Lord to lead me into dangerous areas of life or ministry?  Will I trust him to be my salvation, my provision and sustainer?

I can choose to allow God to be who he is, or I could never take dangerous steps of faith.

Jesus, today I ask that you would fill me with faith so that I would be willing to take the steps that you are asking me to take.  I love you and confess that I need you and not just need you to stick around a bit, I desperately need you.

Today, I will launch forward into the assignments ahead of me with faith.  Even if I fell alone, exposed or vulnerable, I will move ahead!

Wednesday, October 01, 2008

Including through invitation

12 Then he turned to his host.“When you put on a luncheon or a banquet,” he said, “don’t invite your friends, brothers, relatives, and rich neighbors. For they will invite you back, and that will be your only reward. 13 Instead, invite the poor, the crippled, the lame, and the blind. 14 Then at the resurrection of the righteous, God will reward you for inviting those who could not repay you.”
-Luke 14:12-14

The invitation of the Lord is for everyone, not for the people that we normally think it should be for.  It is amazing how we make judgements on who should be included in our lives, or to what extent they should be included.  Jesus is asking us to invite the uninvited - to open up the best of our lives for the "worst" of people.  Jesus, I ask you today to show me where I need to do this.  What people are you asking me to include?  How can I be more inclusive?  How can my capacity for people increase?  At the end of my life, I wish to be one who's reward is greater than just the obvious or natural outcomes of my "easy" circle of relationships.

Jesus, today, I ask that I would be someone who is focused on you.  As a result, may I bring others into your presence and into your light.  I ask that you would use me to be a light into the darkness of the abandoned, the forgotten and the overlooked.  I pray that I would actively include all around me to your kingdom.  I pray that i would choose to be sensitive to your leading.  I pray that I would be sensitive enough to not miss what you are doing.  Lord, give me a sweet and engaging spirit.  may I be like you are - loving and inviting and caring and able to speak into every life.  Holy Spirit, fill me today.

Wednesday, September 24, 2008


What joy for those whose strength comes from the Lord, who have set their minds on a pilgrimage to Jerusalem.  When they walk through the Valley of Weeping, it will become a place of refreshing springs. The autumn rains will clothe it with blessings.They will continue to grow stronger...
Psalm 84:5-7

Joy.  I want to carry the joy of the Lord with me today.  I wish to walk with my eyes forward - trusting the Lord to fulfill what he has promised.  I know that it easy for me to become focused on circumstances or happenings.  However, I know that joy and contentment can only come as I am striving to see the bigger picture of God.

Jesus, today I will rejoice with what today is for me.  You have given me the gift of today.  I won't squander the opportunities I have to enjoy you - to express you and to give you more of me.

Thank you for the opportunity to be around the flag pole with the students today.  Thank you for the chance to pray with the students.  Thanks for the chance to connect with Mikey again.  I pray that you would give me chances to connect with him.  I pray that he might be drawn to you through me.  I pray that even though I might be inconvenienced or challenged, I would be one that gives you away to others.  

Thank you for the fact that we had more donuts than we needed.  It was wonderful to give away donuts to the students who were threatening a Satan/Hitler worshipping meeting next Wednesday.  May you bless them and draw them to you.

Jesus, would you make us a people of prayer.  Would you birth that within us?  Help me to be one who models that...and who pursues that with our church.

Jesus, I love you and am committed to you again.

Wednesday, September 17, 2008


"Come!" say the Spirit and the Bride. 
   Whoever hears, echo, "Come!" 
   Is anyone thirsty? Come! 
   All who will, come and drink, 
   Drink freely of the Water of Life!
Revelation 22:17


We won't last three days without water.  Our souls are the same.  We have a need to be satisfied - to be quenched.  I would suggest that it is the same desperate longing that our need for water is.  We have a real need - a real hole inside of us that we try to fill with all sorts of things.  We look for approval from other people, we try to have enough fun, we indulge in all sorts of pleasures and at the end, always come up short.  Just as the roller coaster ride gives ninety seconds of reprieve from our mundane lives, so do our hopes at being satisfied.

There is only one who can satisfy this thirst.  There is only one who can truly fill the void.

"Is anyone thirsty?  Come!"

Jesus, today I choose to be a carrier of your water.  I choose to be one who brings the bowl of your living water to those around me.  I choose to be your hands and feet.  I choose to be one who carries committed and sacrificial love to all in my life.

I pray that you would equip me to accomplish what I set out today to accomplish.  I ask that you would give me strength, courage and patience.  I pray that I would be an active listener - even when it isn't convenient or easy.

Make me your instrument today.

Tuesday, September 16, 2008

A fellow life-giver

"I am making everything new!" - Revelation 21:5a
He said to me: "It is done. I am the Alpha and the Omega, the Beginning and the End. To him who is thirsty I will give to drink without cost from the spring of the water of life. He who overcomes will inherit all this, and I will be his God and he will be my son." - Revelation 21:6

Oh Lord, allow me to be a life giver with you.  I would like to be "in order" in my life so that I can participate with the giving of the life that you have to offer all around.  

I know that there are those who are desperate for you - desperate for your life and forgiveness.  I pray that I would walk in it in such a way that allows you to shine through me.

Help me to be obedient to you today.  

Saturday, September 13, 2008

Your people are saying, ‘The Lord isn’t doing what’s right,’ but it is they who are not doing what’s right.
Ezekial 33:17
This morning I am struck with how much of a servant I am to be.  I know that the Lord is constantly calling me to deeper levels of faith and service to him.  I know that it doesn't stop when I have overcome one hurdle, or when I have accomplished one task.

It is an ongoing struggle to give him control.  I realize that he has called me to be in the place that I am - moving forward by dying to myself, dying to my will, my way and my perspective.  Jesus, please help me as I continue to move forward.

I want to hear your voice and truly respond to it.  I wish to be known as one who follows you completely and wholly.  You know what is before me now.  I ask for your wisdom, your direction and insight.  I am aware that you are the one who is arranging things correctly; that you are using the maneuvering of men for your ultimate goals.
Give them this message from the Sovereign Lord: What sorrow awaits you shepherds who feed yourselves instead of your flocks. Shouldn’t shepherds feed their sheep? 
Ezekial 34:2b
Lord, please help me to see my life as giving to others.  I truly want to serve and not be served.  I ask that I would be able to see all of my life in that way.  I know that you have places of signifigance for me...but those places are for your glory and use.

May I be a shepherd who always gives my life away:
  • For my family
  • For my "flock'
  • For my friends
I pray that this would stand out in small, real ways.  I pray that today I would find ways to connect with others where they are at.  I pray that I would be a good servant to my wife and kids today.  I pray that I would adequately shepherd the students.  I pray that I would be disciplined with my tongue, so that I build up those around me.

I give you this day.  I pray that I might glorify you with it.

I love you!

Saturday, August 30, 2008

Life submitted to the Creator

You are worthy, O Lord our God,
to receive glory and honor and power.
For you created all things,
and they exist because you created what you pleased.
Revelation 4:11

May my life be one that utters these words. Of course, I pray that I would proclaim these words in song and in prayer. But more than that, I pray that my life would declare that.
  • My thought life - what I allow myself to dwell on - does it bring glory to him?
  • My talking life - do I allow myself to gossip, do I tear others down behind their back? Do I speak more often than I should? Am I being an excellent listener?
  • My physical life - am I constantly disciplining my body - beating it into submission to Christ?
  • My secret life - would I allow others to take a free look at any time at my life - or would I bring shame to the name of my creator?
  • My giving life - do I see my life as something to be given away to others? Or am I interpreting events, circumstances and opportunities through a selfish filter?
Jesus, I ask that I would grow today. I ask that as you and work through this day together, we would make progress in answering these questions. I declare today that I want to move forward, to become more like you.

I lift up all of the youth who are a part of THRIVE. I ask that you bless each one of them with your presence and your mercy. I pray that you would open their eyes to your love, your purposes and plans. I ask that there would be an overwhelming sense of passion that would arise. I pray that you would strike a deep desire for you in each of their hearts! I pray that you would change our hearts! I pray that you would change our hearts! I pray that we would respond to your voice of correction! I pray for deep repentance! I pray for an attitude of sorrow for our sins!

Lord, I pray that as a result of humility and hunger - we would see the harvest come in! I pray that we would bring more and more to a saving knowledge of you! May we make believers and disciples right in Hillsboro! I pray for an overwhelming move of your spirit! I pray for your kingdom to come in passion and fury! Jesus, move your hand of mercy to save! Save us from us!

Make us desperate! I pray that this year would be EPIC. I pray that this year would be overwhelming - as we pursue you!

Friday, August 29, 2008

A decided heart

I correct and discipline everyone I love. So be diligent and turn from your indifference.
Revelation 3:19
The Lord is calling an indictment against the church of Laodicea. Jesus isn't pleased with the indifference and lukewarm attitude that existed among them.

As I read about who Jesus is and grow in my understanding of what he calls us to, I realize more and more that it is a radical and instrisuve call to live for Him and with him. This strikes against values of our culture - we love comfort and relaxation. We also have a hard time drawing firm lines of truth. Much of our time and energy is spend on trying to remain comfortable - being indifferent.

Jesus' words here are convicting and truly powerful against us.

Am I indifferent? Do I carry traces of unwillingness to die for him and to him? Are there areas of my life that I do not throw at his feet. Am I more interested in comfort and relaxation and less inclined towards truth?

Jesus, I ask that on this weekend away, you would guide and teach me. I pray that you would cast vision for what you would like my life to look like this fall. I pray that you would give me your heart! I pray that you would change my heart so that I look more like you! so that I am a servant who embraces the difficult, the humble and the lowly tasks - all for the sake of you my king.

I love you. Jesus, I love you. May you be the God of my family's life. I pray that you would richly bless Donia with love and life today. I pray that you would continue to minister to her heart and that you would continue to draw her to yourself. I pray that she would continue to find joy in you. I pray that your word would speak to her today. I ask that you would watch over her mind and spirit.

Jesus, great lover of me - I life you my children. I pray that they would follow you. I pray that they would understand your grace and your passion for their lives. I pray that they would run towards you early and often. I pray that they would come to know your love for them at a young age. I ask that you would invest your Spirit deeply into their hears and minds. I ask that you would give them a rich calling at an early age. I ask that you would give them a ministry to their peers. I ask that you would release a worshiping heart within both of them.

I ask that or family's lives would bring glory to your name. I ask that you would root out any stinky spirits! Bind us together in love and unity. May we have the mind of Christ and the heart of Christ and be able to see what is truth, what is right and what is important to you!

Thank you for your never ending blessings! Thank you for always providing for us! Thank you for always taking us down the road that you need us to be on. I pray that we would always following your leading! Thank you for giving us love and laughter and peace and grace! Thank you for how much you have transformed each of us! Thank you for never letting us down! Thank you for being the wonderful God of the Universe! Thank you!

I will love you forever - Jesus, my Lord, my king and everything!

Thursday, August 28, 2008

Pursuing Truth

You have examined the claims of those who say they are apostles but are not. You have discovered they are liars
Revelation 2:2b
Jesus is talking to the early churches. It is amazing to me that there were those who were already trying to pervert the gospel for their own gain. I see the same thing to be true today.

It is amazing how many people work really hard to convince others that following Jesus is all about us gaining more in this life.

It is up to us to examine the claims of leaders. It is up to me as a leader to make sure that I am leading others towards truth and righteousness, not selfish interpretations that I may be more comfortable with.

Just this last year I sensed that the Lord was calling to me to address some of the more difficult concepts within Christianity. I did more thinking, study and prayer on Hell and God's wrath.

It isn't easy to work to be a discerning and careful Christian. From day one there have be people who work to distract from what God has called us to live by.

Jesus, today I will be discerning and careful about the influence that I allow in my life. I know there are teachers and leaders out there who I am drawn to, but I also know that they can error and mislead others. May I be one who is driven by your cross and your gift of eternal life for the sinner.

Today, I will follow what has been faithfully passed on to me - Jesus and him crucified. I pray that I would live as a citizen of Heaven - one that has been granted freedom from sin and punishment.

Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Living on my knees

When I saw him, I fell at his feet as if I were dead. But he laid his right hand on me and said, "Don't be afraid! I am the First and the Last. I am the living one. I died, but look—I am alive forever and ever! And I hold the keys of death and the grave."
Revelation 1:17-18
I feel just a smidgen of what John must have felt. In the moments where I truly acknowledge how vast and wide and significant and truly-other and awesome Jesus is, I dare not breathe without permission. Jesus you are everything to me. You are my purpose, my meaning and my full hope! Today, I live on my knees before you.

I pray that today I would see you for who you are! Alive and beautiful and able to conquer all things! I pray that you would birth and release faith in my heart! I pray you would reign in me and through me! I pray that I would have opportunity to share you with others, to love others as you love them and to care for those in need today.

Thank you for my lovely wife, for my children and for the life that you have given us! I pray that we would not just live in blessing unto ourselves and the end of comfort or happiness, but that we would strive to be a blessing to others. I pray that all people around us would know us as a blessing - of hope, compassion, truth and love.

Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Lids and Shepherds

My people have been lost sheep.
Their shepherds have led them astray
and turned them loose in the mountains.
They have lost their way
and can’t remember how to get back to the sheepfold.
Jeremiah 50:6
Leadership is something that we can all see, but few of us want to take responsibility for. We know it when there is effective and transforming leadership, but when we are called to lead, we often buck the responsibility. We look for other reasons for failure and try to assign blame to others.

For instance, my first reaction to chastisement over leaving my clothes lying around is to blame my children for distracting me. I use them as a scapegoat for my fault and irresponsibility.

Jeremiah draws attention here to the real problem - the shepherds who lead. Why do organizations wander, go astray and find themselves in trouble? It is a lack of leadership. John Maxwell calls this the "Law of the Lid" - the leader is the lid on the jar of potential - only as the leader grows, will the organization grow.

I see this to be true in my own leadership. I haven't seen growth in those I am leading, unless I myself am growing.

Jesus, today I pray that I would continue to grow as a leader. Help me to become who I am supposed to be. Thank you for never neglecting me.

Friday, August 22, 2008

False Hope

Then Jeremiah the prophet said to Hananiah, “Listen, Hananiah! The Lord has not sent you, but the people believe your lies. 16 Therefore, this is what the Lord says: ‘You must die. Your life will end this very year because you have rebelled against the Lord.’”
Jeremiah 28:15-16

Often within Christianity we here quoted the verses that follow this strange judgment upon Hananiah - a false prophet:

For I know the plans I have for you,” says the Lord. “They are plans for good and not for disaster, to give you a future and a hope.

Hananiah uttered words that resemble how we often quote this verse. He prophesied that Judah would be rescued from captivity in only 2 years. Jeremiah called him on his error and then prophesied that Hananiah would be dead within the year.

I have to put myself in Hananiah's shoes. His people had just been overtaken - their sin had ultimately caught up with them and the people who were once known for being released from bondage and captivity were now walking in chains once again. Hananiah's heart must have been breaking. I am sure that deep down he wanted to sooth the fears of the desperate mothers, the weary soldiers, the widows and the orphans.

And so he stepped out unwisely. He tried to speak for the Lord. On his strength, no doubt fueled by his emotion, he proclaimed an optimistic claim of release and freedom.

I can see myself doing exactly what he did. I want people to feel better. I would like there to be shortcuts for my history of sin. I would "speak" into existence what was never God's heart or voice.

It would be easier not to be Jeremiah - who was called to utter the difficult and true words of God. Intertwined into his proclamations were hope, but they were properly braided along with discipline and correction.

Lord, help me to hear what your voice is. Please help me to hear what your timing is. Help me to be one that proclaims your hope in the context of cleansing and repentance. I pray that I would always be able to walk that line. Jesus, today I love you! Speak to me and help me to listen.

Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Discplining me

Do not be afraid, Jacob, my servant,
for I am with you,” says the Lord.
“I will completely destroy the nations to which I have exiled you,
but I will not completely destroy you.
I will discipline you, but with justice;
I cannot let you go unpunished.”
Jeremiah 46:28
Immediately after declaring such calamity on the nations around Israel, and after the many indictments against Israel (Jacob), the Lord reminds Israel of his faithfulness - one that is wrapped in covenant love. It was because of his love that he chose to discipline his beloved children.

I have endured the disciplined of the Lord in my young life. If Jeremiah were called to prophesy about my life, I have no doubt that he would be able to bring complaint to the Lord of my offenses. My laundry list would be long.

The Lord knows this, and his promise is the same for me. I will not completely destroy you. There is hope in that statement. I am to learn from my mistakes, to wrestle with my weaknesses, but the Lord will never give me something that isn't common to mankind. Whether it be temptation or difficult circumstances, I trust that the Lord has a plan for my own discipline.

I find myself there right now. I am not comfortable with my surroundings at the moment. Life on staff at Evergreen has changed dramatically over the last 4.5 years - and going into this school year, I have more challenges ahead of me than I would care to walk through.

I realize that I have a desire to be seen as significant and as dramatically needed. Gosh, I see the Lord chastising that right out of me.

Lord, I pray that today i would learn to trust in you again. That I would see you clearly and as a resuly demonstrate you in action and attitude all day today. I need you comforting love to surround me. I need you light and goodness to invade all of my senses. Jesus...I am before you again...thank you for you kindness of heart to love me and call me your own...and thank you for constantly taking me through things that grow me.

Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Counterfeit Prosperity

Lord, you always give me justice
when I bring a case before you.
So let me bring you this complaint:
Why are the wicked so prosperous?
Why are evil people so happy?
You have planted them,
and they have taken root and prospered.
Your name is on their lips,
but you are far from their hearts.
Jeremiah 12:1-2
Always we are in a world of impressive exterior - the creative minds and collaborative efforts of empires and nations have given us the outward appearance of prosperity.

Jeremiah saw this appearance of "happiness." And so he offered complaint to the Lord.

From my limited perspective - this world and what is has to offer is so tempting. People strive for a lifetime to be able to attain, get and have more. But, in this world, what we have, get or accomplish is "rubbish compared to knowing Christ."

Lord, I want to know you today. All of the stuff of the world will fade away. But knowing you will never grow tiring, old or wear out. Thank you for calling me to your kingdom, to be your son. Please help me to strive for the things of your kingdom - not the things of this world.

May I never lose focus or perspective - you give me what I need and you give it to me when I need it. I have never gone without as I have trusted you - but I have created my dissatisfaction by not remaining in you.

Today, with all that I have and all that I don't have - I love you and will live for you. May you be glorified.

A Young King Seeking God pt 2

What would it be like to be a king in a situation where there wasn't any inheritance of Godliness? That is what Josiah walked into when he was installed as the king of Judah. The legacy was that of insane idol worship, human sacrifice and sexually charged religious deviancy.

Josiah did what was wise and right:
There the king read to them the entire Book of the Covenant that had been found in the Lord’s Temple.
2 Kings 23:2b
He went to the source of truth to find out what was right. And then he put it into practice:
He pledged to obey the Lord by keeping all his commands, laws, and decrees with all his heart and soul.
2 Kings 23:3a
This wasn't going to be easy as the whole nation of Israel was entrenched in awful sin and bondage. Much of the rest of 2 Kings 23 describes the various places that Josiah went to tear down idols and shrines and altars that were all dedicated to false gods and to false, licentious and brutal worship.

God never wanted Israel to have a king. He wanted to be their king. He knew that the systems of power in the world would ultimately corrupt his desire. Jesus urges us to live as citizens of that Kingdom.

However, as far as Kings go, Josiah was wonderful. He worked hard to use his position and power to engage with God and to move towards him.

Lord! Help me to be like Josiah!

Monday, August 04, 2008

A Young King Seeking God

Josiah was eight years old when he became king, and he reigned in Jerusalem thirty-one years. He did what was pleasing in the Lord’s sight and followed the example of his ancestor David. He did not turn away from doing what was right.
2 Chronicles 34:1-2

As a young man, Josiah did what was right. He had the privilege as a king - the position to create any sort of legacy imaginable.
During the eighth year of his reign, while he was still young, Josiah began to seek the God of his ancestor David.
He chose to seek God. To seek means that he chose to pursue a greater understanding of God and to choose a greater accountability to God. It would have been much easier for Josiah to accept his (and his culture's) view of God. But he chose to do the hard thing.

Lord, please help me, as a relatively young man, to do the hard thing and the right thing.

Thursday, July 31, 2008


Child prostitution up after Kenya's election bloodshed

Tapes show victims screaming, crying, gasping for air

My heart is breaking.
My anger is rising.
What are we doing to intervene?
What are we doing when we hear these screams?
Will we fit ourselves for battle or just hang up the phone to avoid the rattle?

Blood, sex, violence, gore
People are dying, but we want more
Blood, sex, violence, gore
People are crying, but give us more

God is angry, God is just
In middle of this blatant lust
For more for now for keeps
He won't let us off the hook
We are the creeps
Its cheap to pick the splinter from the eye
When our lives pass by
In a big lie of me and my and mine
Its brine fit for swine
Point that finger into your own sternum
Let it sink and twist and turn
Its time to think and fix and turn

Repent. Repent. Repent.
God sent, he sent, he sent
He spent, he spent, he spent
So he could relent

Will we go, go, go
To show, show, show
To throw, throw, throw
The vile prince of darkness
To his darkness, where the darkest hour for him yet remains
Evil will be repaid

Ready yourself!
Rid yourself!

And GO.

Speak Out

Psalm 107:2
Has the Lord redeemed you? Then speak out! Tell others he has redeemed you from your enemies!
Jesus, thank you for your life given that I may be able to have life now and eternally. you have redeemed me! You have given me purpose, hope and opprtunity to be partnered with you. Thank you for taking my shame, pain and failure upon your shoulders so I might have life and have it in abundance.

What have been my enemies? I am my own worst enemy - were it that I lived with an oppressive king striking me so I would work, this passage might ring a bit different. But I read it so say - "tell others he has redeemed you from yourself!"

I am pitiful, sinful and selfish - but you invade all of that, you remove my tattered outward garments and are giving me a new heart, a new mind and a new purpose - one that shines true from the inside - from all of who I am.

Today, Jesus, I ask fo an opportunity to share of your great love. I ask that I might be able to share your love to Arielle, Bubbles, Micheal, Luis, DJ, Austin or Beanie. I also pray for another God-centered conversation with Cody. Lord Jesus! Please rule and reign today!

Psalm 107:43
Those who are wise will take all this to heart; they will see in our history the faithful love of the Lord.

Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Don't let the Lord rest

Isaiah 62:6-7
"O Jerusalem, I have posted watchmen on your walls; they will pray day and night, continually. Take no rest, all you who pray to the Lord. Give the Lord no rest until he completes his work, until he makes Jerusalem the pride of the earth"
The Lord is speaking to me - that I am not to grow weary in doing good - in working to perpetuate the Kingdom. i know that it isn't something that I have to create - for the Lord is the "Lord of the Harvest." But, he does call me to be an active participant with what he is doing. I am to be a sower. And the more I sow, the more others have the opportunity to grow. My sowing will "give the Lord no rest."

Jesus, I pray that today you would renew me with strength that comes from your Spirit alone. After a long journey this summer, I am physically weary, but I pray that you would renew me spiritually so I may be able to sow more.

Today, I am all yours.

Tuesday, July 29, 2008

What now?

A friend has left.

Josh flew home to the Netherlands today.

I am sad.

Josh is a good friend, a lifter of the lids in my life and a great encourager to all around.

I honestly am having a hard time picturing what life will look like around here in Hillsboro and at Evergreen Christian Center without him. Yes, he has made that much of a difference.

For now - I am transitioning - the year of the European ID students is over. The time of my church providing lots of administrative help for me is over. It is now time for me to focus on the coming year - I need to become better at empowering others to ministry, need to have greater faith than what I have had before and need to give time and space for planning and vision!

Josh, I miss you already.

I pray that your flight is wonderful, that you catch your connection to Amsterdam and that we can work together again in the future.

Saturday, July 26, 2008

Lifters around me

I am studying leadership. Leadership has always fascinated me - perhaps because I have always been told that I am a leader. I have found that I am most functional as a leader when I am taking the time to honestly evaluate myself as a leader. I have to really try in order to be effective.

I think some are more naturally inclined towards positive and effective leadership. These people I envy, for they, out of habit or impulse, lead effectively. I find that I have to grind some stuff out - focus on leadership development constantly.

Why? Because most leadership revolves around character. In order for me to lead, I must be leading myself - and that doesn't happen on accident.

Today, Jesus, I need to be led by you. I need your Spirit to guide me and hone me. Thank you for the many opportunities to grow, to learn and to change. Thank you for being patient with me, for directing my steps and for always placing me where you want me to be.

David had Jonathan. Jonathan was the next in line to be king (according to normal royal-bloodline progressions), but David had been anointed to be king. Instead of hating David, Jonathan served David and directly helped him to become who he was called to be. John Maxwell points out 3 things that Jonathan did for David, so that David could overcome obstacles in his life
  1. He lifted up David with his words
    David needed encouragement - he needed affirmation and he needed to be challenged. Jonathan was able to thrust David forward with the power of words. Two things for me - I am stating today that I am going to increase my positive words and encouragement to the leaders around me. Secondly, I am so grateful for the people in my life who speak encouragement to me.
  2. He raised David up with his actions
    David needed Jonathan to equip him and to ratify his leadership. I see that need in my own life. I have people in my life - praise the Lord - who rally around me. Without these people I would not be in the place that I am. May I never take it for granted - I am where I am because of others! Thank you Jesus!
  3. He 'gave up' so that David could 'go up'
    Jonathan gave up his "rights" so David could be successful. Am I giving up my "rights" so that others can be successful? Am I grateful for the others around me who have given up theirs for me?
Lord, it is good to be called. Thank you for placing people around me. I want to grow, to learn and to be the best leader I can be.

I give you this day.

Thursday, July 24, 2008

When a leader improves

I am a lid on the potential of the people who serve with me. As their leader I can hold them back or I can choose to expand and grow so that those around me expand and grow.

I think it is tempting to want to blame the followers or those in less significant positions for the lack of movement forward in any given organization.

David is a guy who lifted the lid of leadership. When all (including Saul) were afraid to jump into the fight and take on the behemoth Goliath, David went for it and released the potential of Israel's armies:
Then the men of Israel and Judah gave a great shout of triumph and rushed after the Philistines, chasing them as far as Gath and the gates of Ekron. The bodies of the dead and wounded Philistines were strewn all along the road...
I have to ask myself - where do I hold the armies back? in what way are my own limits, fears or inadequacies holding us back from exploding in fruit?

What lids can I lift? How can I improve today as a leader?

Any suggestions? I am open...

Monday, July 21, 2008

Leadership Lids - Saul and David

Every leader's success will be determined by their leadership ability, not by their personal gifting or charisma. There are things in every leaders life that inhibit their overall success. It is my goal to identify the lids in my life so that I can become the best leader I can be.

Saul had his lids. Mostly they were character flaws:
  • Fear
  • Jealousy
  • Impulsiveness
  • Anger
These things caused him to be unable to cope with the strains of leadership. Eventually he crumbled and those he was leading suffered. If Saul had been able to overcome his insecurity and humble himself, he might have been a great leader.

David also had lids. He was the youngest and was overlooked by his own father. When Samuel went to choose one of Jesse's sons to be king, David wasn't even invited to be considered. David was able to overcome that obstacle through hard work and dedication to the Lord first.

What are my lids?
  • Fear - sometimes I assume failure will happen rather than success. Also, I hesitate in getting to know new people - I am afraid my efforts won't be successful.
  • Inconsistency - I can be emotionally driven and therefore am often times up and down in my leadership. I know the Lord is teaching me to be more stable and faith filled.
Jesus, I lift to you my lids - I don't want to be held back any longer, but I want to overcome these obstacles so I can be the best leader I can be.

Monday, April 21, 2008

The mud is thinning

I was surprised by today.

I have been quiet lately - thinking and processing a lot, but not always certain of what it is that I am thinking and going through. I have been reading Team of Rivals, which is a book on the genius ability of Abraham Lincoln to draw together various opposing people and ideas in order to accomplish great good.

I am in awe of this man and his great capacity to lead through humility. I find that most people aren't able to lead in this way. Mostly people feel that the leaders have to have all of the right answers and that those who follow only follow because they are less able to lead and more able to do the bidding of the said leader. Lincoln, to me, turns that on his head.
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He wasn't able to do everything, nor did he have all of the answers for everything, but was able to gain a great unity between opposing and difficult ideas and people. On might suggest that Lincoln was the great mediator of the Civil War. He kept the country from total destruction through his tremendous political skill not based upon power and favors, but upon real and lasting virtues of love, tenderness, compassion and honesty.

I was challenged by a mentor several months ago to gain a broader perspective and compassion for various leaders and leadership styles. I have been very critical in the past of weak leaders and poor communicators.

This reading is a timely infusion of wisdom and know-how. I see the need to be a great unifier. I recognize that I am especially excited about the possibility of drawing strong and gifted leaders onto a team in order to accomplish something great.

I am surprised today because yesterday I was so tired and seemingly unable to process the swirling mush inside my head. I am glad to write that today, through several conversations, I am able to see more clearly where in leadership I am and where I am still being challenged to grow.

May I be a glowing light for Jesus. May I carry his humility and compassion with me...

Saturday, April 19, 2008

Blood and War and Lying

An interesting confluence of events in my life.

I watched Blood Diamond last night. I spend most of the movie reflecting upon how much people need Jesus.

We all have a need - to be with God.

We all have a problem - sin. Vile, selfish and disgusting Sin. We are born with it.

God has provided a Remedy - Jesus.

In the story we see the horrific circumstances in Africa that grossly illustrate the nature of man. There is the consumeristic greed of the Western countries driving the demand for diamonds. And then the war over diamonds between races and classes. And the corrupt military who poses as a conduit of righteousness while laying out strategies to lace their own pockets. Finally we see the journalist who realizes that her nobility, couched in the facade of objective journalism, is shallow and, at the core - selfish.

From every angle we see people motivated by themselves.

I was surprised that the movie, in a brief dialog, posed the question - "is man good or evil by nature?"

The characters, in the midst of devastating war, concluded that man is basically good. A not-so-clever attempt to sow some opinion that leads people away from God and back to man. For, if we believe that man is basically good, than we are saying that man can basically solve its own problems.

Has this ever been true? Is there less war today than before? I was recently told that there are more slaves today than at any other time in history. How far we have not come.

This week I also have been studying the story of Ananias and Sapphira from Acts 5:1-11. They sold a house and then claimed to give all of the money to the Apostles but in reality had kept a portion from themselves. No doubt their motive was to appear to be righteous and noble. They weren't required to do any of this, but they saw an opportunity to elevate themselves in the eyes of others.

God killed them. Ananias first and then Sapphira.

Some would say - shame on God. I say shame on man. We are so different from God in that we deserve to have our blood spilled. How many of us have committed little white lies just like the unfortunate couple in Acts 5? We love to allow our image to be inflated while nursing a habit of destruction on the side.

And so the question of the decision of God isn't that difficult. I didn't lay awake in bed this week wondering why God killed these two.

I simply wonder why he hasn't killed me yet...I deserve it.

The blood is on our own hands.

I am so grateful for the blood of Jesus - that intercepts my sentence of eternal death. Now I live forever with him.

I love this song by David Crowder - Remedy
Here we are
Here we are
The broken and used
Mistreated, abused
Here we are

Here You are
Here You are
The beautiful one
Who came like a Son
Here You are

So we lift up our voices
We open our hands
To cling to the love
That we can't comprehend

Oh, lift up your voices
And lift up your heads
To sing of the love
That has freed us from sin

He is the one
Who has saved us
He is the one
Who embraced us
He is the one who has come
And is coming again
He's the remedy

Here we are
Here we are
Bandaged and bruised
Awaiting a cure
Here we are

Here You are
Here You are
Our beautiful King
Bringing relief
Here You are with us

So we lift up our voices
And open our hands
Let go of the things
That have kept us from Him

Monday, April 07, 2008

A morning in Creswell

Donia and I decided at the last minute to travel after church yesterday to Creswell in order to celebrate our nephew, Samuel's, first birthday. The celebration took place at my parent's house complete with cake and my favorite, peanut butter frosting.

The whole family was there. It is always a blessing to spend time with them. We all love Jesus with passion and are involved with ministry. And we all have energetic kids. What a privilege to live this life!

This morning I walked over to the local grocery store in order to find some coffee and a place to read the Word. Ray's opened at 6am and the first customers were a group of crotchety old timers buying coffee and donuts. They then sat in 2 booths and begin playing some sort of coin game. it was loud and boisterous as all of them accused each other of cheating at some point. It was a good natured game...I wonder what I will be like at 70ish.

I was blessed to observe the relationship that existed between them.

I read in John 4 this morning. Jesus and the Samaritan woman. I was struck by how bold the woman was in asking Jesus about the Jew's insistence of Jerusalem being the holy place. I appreciated her candor. I am encouraged to be bold with the Lord. I see my need for continued knowledge of the word of God and how we "got" the word of God. I need to be able to concisely share with others the firm beginnings of the word of God.

Jesus, please lead me today. Make more like you. I pray for safety as our family travels back to Portland. And as we head into another week I pray that we would be able to know you more deeply. I pray that Jenna would make decisions to follow you! Please give Donia and I wisdom as we raise her and Owen.

Saturday, March 29, 2008



Strong. Strength. Faith.

Taking a leap. Jumping off. Its the backflip into the pool.

Its getting up early in the morning when it hurts. Taking a cold shower when the hot water is gone.

We are all courageous sometimes. We choose to bite our tongues and not say what is deserved.

Sometimes we open our mouths and say what is needed.

Maybe you have prayed for someone out loud.

Or trusted a friend to keep a secret. Or said sorry first.

Courage is doing what is more difficult. Eating a salad rather than the cheeseburger.

Or maybe for you its eating the cheeseburger rather than the water. Water cannot be eaten.

It allowing someone else to make decisions...and living with them.

Marriage is courageous. Getting a job is courageous.

Paying for someone's lunch is courageous.

So is sharing Jesus with another person.

So is dying for your faith.

So is putting faith in Jesus.

So is praying, even secretly, for your friends.

Peter and John had courage. It would have been easier to walk by the paralytic.

That was the accepted thing to do. That was the normal thing to do.

It would have been simpler to smile and nod to the Jewish religious authorities.

But they didn't.

They proclaimed that which was real. And tangible and lovely. They proclaimed Jesus.

Courage isn't as hard as we think it is.

We save this word for superheroes and firemen. We allow Dateline and the CBS Evening News to monopolize this word – we begin to believe that only people born with or thrust into extreme places of difficulty are worthy of being called courageous.
I don't mean to say that these people who do amazing things shouldn't be called courageous, but we should also recognize the fact that our selfishness and greed are the biggest deterrents for each of us.

It is our sin nature which keeps us from being heroic and bold and courageous.

We don't want to be uncomfortable, we don't want to be challenged, we are lazy and we don't want to reach our potential for fear of a new expectation being thrust upon us.

Tomorrow when you face your sin nature – and when you allow Jesus' re-making work to be more powerful within you – you are being courageous.

Who knows where that courage will lead.

Your ordinary life might not feel so ordinary anymore.

Ordinary Dancing




We are. I am. You are.

We exist only for a moment, a gasp of time. Today here and gone tomorrow. Life slips away and we have one chance.

A chance.

A roll of the dice.

We have been dealt a hand. And its ordinary.

Not the same as Jim, Bob, Larry or Joe. Susie, Sally, Joceyln or Jessica may be able to pen a slightly different tale - But its normal.

What is normal? Breathing. Sleeping and waking. Getting sick, getting better, dying and disappointment and being good at something, but not everything.

Not being in control. Having a bad habit that we try to break. Wanting to be loved. Wanting to be significant.

Sin is normal. It reeks and is disgusting, but it is normal. Ordinary.

Complaining. Backing out of promises. Thinking sick, but acting healthy.

All of this and much is the dance floor of life. On our circumstances and upon the hand that we have been dealt we express, through our actions and attitudes, our response.

There are some dancers who sit on the sidelines wishing that the floor was different. They hang their heads regretting failure. Or they sit envious of the place on the floor that another gets.

Bitter and dark these dancers gradually die – never having really danced.

There are others who try to fix the floor. They tear it to pieces, trying to ascertain why it is built the way it is. They toil and struggle, carefully diagnosing each splinter, so that one day they might be able to rebuild the floor.

Well meaning and hard working – these dancers die having deconstructed life only to have ran out of time to rebuild it.

But the most beautiful dancers are the ones who lightly tread on the floor – their response is not dictated by the floor, but is simply a soft response to the music.

Light, free and full of love – these dancers fulfill their purpose and never regret the dance floor.

LA Mission View of the Day #6

LA Mission View of the Day #5

Friday, March 28, 2008

On the road

Well - after 6 hours at Disneyland we are headed home.

It took us about 2 hours to get out of the LA area...and we took what we thought would be the way with the least amount of traffic.

As i write we are about 3 hours south of Sacramento.

Greg is at the wheel - he has been a great partner this week. He and I have had several great conversations. I really value his relationship with the Lord.

The team is a bit hyper - after all of these great bonding experiences and a day at Disneyland they are going nuts! It is fun to see the relationships developing.

Pray for no snow tomorrow!

Church in the City

We attended church last night at Angelus Temple. It seats around 4,000 people and it was packed on a Thursday night.

They put on quite the mid-week presentation...moving worship, dancers...and a guest speaker from Illinois.

Our students were really touched. I myself was challenged to be the best pastor and leader that I can be. I am moved to be a bigger dreamer and to not all god to only exist in what I know or have experienced.

I am excited for the opportunities that are before us. We really have the resource and people power to impact our church.

This morning we are at Disneyland. It is a bit anticlimactic.

The Dream Center puts a large amount of energy and resource into its effort to draw people to the ultimate source of light and glory. Disneyland put that energy and effort into creating an experience that numbs people or distracts them.

I am not saying that D-land is evil - but we should recognize what it is. Oooh...thats challenging, eh?

I am looking forward to the conversations with the students after this contrasting experience.

Do pray for us...we travel to Sacramento this afternoon - about 8 hours (with traffic) - and then we will be up bright and early tomorrow so we can arrive in Hillsboro by 3pm.

Also - pray for the weather to be favorable. Snow on the passes would put a damper on things.

Greetings from Adventureland...

Thursday, March 27, 2008

Street Witnessing - Day 5 PM

There is nothing more intimidating to the Christian than cold turkey evangelism. I have never liked it - maybe more because of me than the actual task.

This sort of action requires such a deep amount of trust, humility and courage.

I was so proud of our students...they didn't back down and gave it their best shot.

We were sent by the Dream Center to Pasadena City College. That didn't make the task seem any easier. Going to talk to young people who think they know more than they do isn't the sort of environment that soothes apprehension.

I myself was apprehensive.

We were given a survey to use as a tool to begin spiritual conversations.

Our students - in pairs - boldly approached college students. They met ex-catholics, Buddhists and agnostics.

They engaged the people and had opportunity to pray with several.


One young lady prayed a prayer of faith in Jesus for the first time.

Praise the Lord.

Our time is drawing to a close here at the Dream Center - but we know that we are going to go home not the same.

Praise the Lord for that!

Tools in LA - Day 5 AM

We have such a great team.

I am so impressed by the collective ability of the group to just plain "go for it."

This morning we were placed at the mercy of the onsite "discipleship" team. The discipleship team consists of rehabilitated guys who are charged with the massive task of keeping the grounds around the Dream Center neat and tidy.

We painted.

We swept.

We trimmed and cut and cleared.

Josh and I were sent to Angelus Temple. We were given 2 brooms and a well-used dustpan. We swept all the leaves, trash and dirt from the sidewalks, gutters and street.

We were then given a long hose and a push broom. Just behind Sister Aimee's house we attached that hose to a water source.

We scrubbed the whole sidewalk - Josh on the hose and Isaac on the push broom scrubber.

Juliana and Brittany painted in Angelus' Temple. They painted on an official Historical Landmark in Los Angeles! How cool is that?!

We had a great morning. We served in a practical, blister causing way. It was refreshing and invigorating! (And Michelle's health was great!)

Metro Kids - Day 4 PM

Tu hablas espanol?

We spent Wednesday afternoon helping with a weekly outreach to a low income, mostly Hispanic area. "Metro Kids" takes Sunday school to the neighborhoods of LA.

We helped set up, played with the kids, joined the program festivities and our Nicole led all of the girls in singing and motions to all the songs. She did great!

I was able to pray with 5 little boys at the conclusion - "Pray for my daddy - he smokes and drinks a lot - my mom works a lot - my dad is really sick - my mom has 14 children...its why we are really busy..."

Our hearts were moved to compassion as we served. We were all excited to see the potential for our church's daily outreach to Mckinney Park this summer.

Unfortunately Michelle became dehydrated yesterday afternoon, so her and Edna stayed behind. After resting for the afternoon she was much better.

We are all in good health today - but keep praying for us!

Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Loading the Food Trucks - Day 4 am

Today we had the privilege of loading the food trucks that go out for delivery this afternoon.

I personally love this sort of work. It reminds me of my days loading trucks for UPS at the Ontario Hub while I was in college.

The boys formed lines (like sandbag lines) and filled up 4 Fed-Ex trucks with pinto beans, diced tomatoes, tomato sauce, lemons, tangerines, snow peas and grapefruit juice.

Our lovelies filled bags with lemons and tangerines.

It was a blast flexing our muscles, calling out the number of boxes loaded and watching those trucks fill up quickly. We worked up a sweat, but thankfully the LA sun wasn't too warm this morning. It was probably 70 degrees and partly smoggy...

After loading we were moved to the trash/recycling area to clean up. I also loved this - breaking down hundreds of cardboard boxes reminds me of working food service in college (before I worked for UPS).

We got that done with leftover time to help with cleaning the streets around the Dream Center. It was "fun" to observe who has worked hard at sweeping before and who looked as if they have never picked up a broom before.

Nicole was especially proficient with the broom! Her, Josh and I attacked the pavement with gusto!

All in all our team is wonderful! Everyone is working hard...several of the leaders around here have mentioned how much they are impressed as we work together!

This afternoon we will travel to South Central LA to work with the "Metro Kids" program. I am not clear on all of the details, but I know it includes tons of children and outreach!

View of the Day #3

View of the Day #2

LA Mission Trip Day #4

The team got to get involved with real front line ministry today. After a tour of the campus the team jumped into the back of some Fed-Ex like trucks and left for some poor neighborhoods to deliver food. People were waiting for the truck and so overjoyed to receive this mercy gift from the Lord.

The team made 3 stops. Simon played "Simon Says" with the children. The girls played "duck-duck goose" and held and prayed over babies.

What an experience. And, yes, the team rode in the back of the Fed-Ex truck with no seat belts...living by faith...

"Why are you here?"

last night we had the opportunity to sit in the men's discipleship meeting here at the Dream Center. These (200+) men are going through a 1-2 year program that rehabilitates them for life.

Some of them are here because of court orders. Some are here because of family and wanting to really recover.

The speaker challenged us all- why are we here? His answer was simple. We are all here for relationship with God. We are have been purposed to be here and as such we should respond to his relationship to us.

It was deeply moving to observe these men respond to God. Some are deeper into the program and are beginning to find true victory, but many have been here for a short time - only 15% actually graduate from the program.

At the conclusion of the teaching some worship music was put on and for 40 minutes everyone responded in prayer to the Lord. I was moved to lift up my family in prayer. I prayed prayers of thanksgiving and prayers of intercession. May I be a husband and a father that leads my kids to Jesus.

Thanks for your prayers..today we load food trucks in the morning and then reach out to homeless youth at night.

Tuesday, March 25, 2008

LA Mission View of the Day #1

LA Mission Trip - Day #3

LIFE Pacific College.

10.5 years ago I was on a road trip down I-5 to LA. I was a small town boy from Creswell, Oregon following a dream that the Lord had birthed in my heart. The dream was simple - to follow Jesus with all that I had. That passion led me to Foursquare's bible college in San Dimas, California. I remember being so overwhelmed by the vastness of LA. I was used to a town of 4,000 - with the big city of 150,000+ 10 miles away.

Culture shock.
“Nazareth!” exclaimed Nathanael. “Can anything good come from Nazareth?”

Nathanael hadn't yet seen that it is not place of birth or immediate circumstantial power that dictates one's ability to influence the world. Jesus calls whom he wills and then fills that person and molds them so that even the overlooked can dramatically influence the world.

The students on this trip are catching a vision that is bigger than themselves. A part of that vision may include LIFE Pacific College.

Yesterday we were able to take the official tour of the LIFE campus. I was impressed with the facility upgrades and improvements, but even more so I was glad to hear that the foundational mission of the college is being retained. LIFE is working hard to be an excellent training center for ministers of the good news. Our students were skeptical until they listened to Professor Larry Powers teach Prison Epistles. Larry shared how he sees his own life as a Dixie cup. His life is to be filled with the living water of Christ so that others may partake and be refreshed - but then thrown away.

Larry sees himself as a vessel to be used by the Lord - the Lord is not the vessel that glorifies Larry.

A passion for knowledge and training has been birthed. A passion for God's redemptive mission is being cultivated.

After our morning at LIFE we traveled to the Dream Center to get settled there. They didn't have us scheduled for any ministry yesterday afternoon or evening so we went out on our own mission. We drove up to Griffith Observatory to see LA from up high.

We took to time to pray and listen to what the Lord was speaking to each of us - about this particular week of serving, but also to listen to his heart for the city.

On the way home we had dinner at McDonald's. We met a homeless drunk named Paul on the way out. Our students ministered to him and listened to the Lord's leading. After 15 minutes of conversation (good job Michelle!) and a fish sandwich we all felt that we had done all that we could do for this man. He wanted money, but we didn't feel that the Holy Spirit was leading in that way.

We prayed for Paul. And then we took time to talk as a team about what we felt and what we learned from that experience. We shared our fears and encouraged one another that hearing the Lord in situations like that isn't as difficult as we like to make it.

Paul didn't want help. So we prayed that he would respond to the Lord's grace - and that he would respond to his own deficiency.

Today is the grand tour of the Dream Center and the first official ministry effort - all afternoon and evening serving!

Continue to pray please!
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Sunday, March 23, 2008

Day 2 on the Road

We are currently HERE

As we are driving through the San Joaquin Valley I am reminded of how blessed we are in Oregon. It isn't to say that God loves us more or that God hasn't provided great things in the SJ Valley (look at Kevin Hughes - thank God for him!)

The trees. The green. The Ducks. Just kidding about that one.

It is March and we are turning on the AC...I am glad that isn't often necessary in Oregon.

The team is doing great...it is about 12:30 - we left Sacramento at 10:30. Greg is taking leg one of the driving and I will take the 2nd half. God bless him for taking a load of the driving!

We should arrive in San Dimas around 5pm unless we hit something unforeseen.

We pray that you are all enjoying Easter with friends and family.

LA Mission Morning #2

Last night we took time to express to one another our thoughts and feelings so far into the trip. I was so glad to hear everyone be honest. Yes, we had a fantastic day but the team expressed that we are anxious to serve, that we aren't sure what we are getting into and that we feel the need to bond closer before we serve in a radical way.

I also expressed to the team my personal pain - being here in Sacramento brings back so many memories of my late mother-in-law.

After sharing for the better part of an hour we prayed...the prayers were simple but heartfelt.

This morning we will eat breakfast together and then have a team bible study. We will be studying Psalm 107. It is one of my favorite psalms - both because of the incredible content, but also because of the poetic structure.

4 Some wandered in the wilderness,
lost and homeless.
5 Hungry and thirsty,
they nearly died.
6 “Lord, help!” they cried in their trouble,
and he rescued them from their distress.
7 He led them straight to safety,
to a city where they could live.
8 Let them praise the Lord for his great love
and for the wonderful things he has done for them.
9 For he satisfies the thirsty
and fills the hungry with good things.
Lord, we thank you for your light and love. We thank you that you have led us to spiritual safety. We thank you for Easter! Thank you that death had no hold on you! Thank you for providing a way for us to be back in relationship with you.

We appreciate your prayers and support!

We are in his will and being sustained by him!

Saturday, March 22, 2008

A Day on the Road

Wow...what a day...

It has been beautiful and peaceful. We have such a wonderful team of young (and older) people.
We have had such a good time.

Thank you Jesus for the wisdom and insight to travel over 2 days rather than all at once. We are almost to Sacramento and everyone has energy.

We will meet and pray as a team tonight...we will ask God to guide us and direct us.

Also, we may be attending church in the morning in Sacramento! (We just need to find an early service so we can be on our way - but a sunrise service feels too early!)

Happy Easter...Jesus rocks!

LA Mission Video #1

LA Mission Trip Day One

5am - Alarm goes off. I must say that I have never woke up super excited on the first day of a mission trip. Today was no exception. I wasn't dreading going or stressed.

I simply felt tired. I wonder if Paul ever just felt tired.

Not sleepy tired - but weary. Ministry is awesome and there is nothing that I would rather do...but there are times where I wish for less work...

6am - all packed and ready to go - time to spend time in the word. Today Philippians 1:27
Above all, you must live as citizens of heaven, conducting yourselves in a manner worthy of the Good News about Christ.

Jesus - help the 9 of us on the trip to be able to live as citizens of heaven. I don't want this to be a trip - but a time of being an agent of change for the kingdom. I pray for your guidance.

6:30am - at the church to load up with Joshua, Greg, Patti and Matty! Thanks for the help guys...Josh, as usual, was very organized and ready to go.

7am - team begins to arrive. A couple of our 4 teenage girls were late...I hope this isn't a trend!
7:30am - Pastor Marc Shaw shows up to pray for our team.

7:45am - A last stop in to say goodbye to my wonderful family. I will miss them so much!

We are now on the road - about 40 miles away from my hometown - Creswell, OR. We will stop there for fuel...

Keep us in your prayers!

Isaac and the team
(Joshua, Simon, Greg, Edna, Nicole, Michelle, Juliana, Brittany)

Tuesday, March 18, 2008

A day...

Josh and I walked.

Josh, Tami, Jeff and I talked about what we read.

Josh and I drove to church.

We prayed as a staff.

Josh and I measured.

Josh and I went over a task list.

Josh and I worked on the task list.

I completed an expense report.

Dede and I ate a McDonald's lunch.

Dede and I went for a walk.

I met Simon's mom.

I received a cuckoo clock from Simon's mom.

Simon and I met.

Simon and I prayed.

Scott, Josh and I drove through Burgerville.

Scott made me laugh.

Josh (different one), Jessica and I met.

Josh and I put together the cuckoo clock.

Josh and I drove to my house.

Owen hid from me.

Jenna talked to me.

Melody arrived at my house.

Josh, Owen and I set the table.

Donia reset the table.

Melody, Josh, Donia, Owen, Jenna and I ate chicken salad.

Donia fried homemade donuts.

Melody, Josh, Donia, Owen, Jenna and I ate donuts.

Melody, Josh, Owen, Jenna and I walked to the big circle.

Donia and I put the kids to bed.

Melody drove Josh home.

I got in bed.

I am going to bed.

Monday, March 17, 2008

Kevin Hughes rockin at THRIVE!

Good job Kevin!

Jesus 4 life!

Fruit of Salvation - Philippians

May you always be filled with the fruit of your salvation—the
righteous character produced in your life by Jesus Christ
—for this will bring
much glory and praise to God.

The fulfillment of a cycle.

Seeds - gestation - pollination - growth - blossom - fruit

I am no botanist. But I do see the complicated process that is required for fruit to be born. I look outside at this moment and the trees are still enduring the long winter. And prior to that the fall stole their fruit and robbed them of their leaves, and yet, in their dying we saw beauty.

All around I see the myriad of ways by which God is proclaiming life through death.

Paul encourages me to be filled with the fruit that Jesus' death brings. I am just the harvester of that which Christ did for me and in me. There is nothing that I have done that grants me this fruit. I am not the planter - what I have sown is death and sin.

But, during my own dark spring of planting, which can only bear death, there was another - who planted the seeds of salvation into the fabric of history so that while the hot summer sun of sin bears down and wreaks destruction on my field, I am set free in the fall to receive the fruit of the life-giver.

And so, carrying this gift of love and grace I re-enter the winter months of this world. All is dark and cold, and yet I now have opportunity to distribute the evidences of a bountiful harvest.

For this basket of fruit in my arms cannot be hidden in my pantry. This stuff is for giving and showing off!


What gift will I be today?

Sunday, March 16, 2008

Great people make the world great

I have no doubt of the things that God is doing in my life.

I have received a new vision for my life over the last couple of months. I know that I am called to be a leader and to make efforts in my life to become the best leader that I can be.

God places people in our lives that are able, from varying distances, to influence and stir us to greater depths of character and, for me, leadership.

Up close I have several people who I invite to influence my life. My senior pastor - Marc Shaw - and I have a meeting scheduled every week so that he can influence me. Sometimes life is crazy and we don't connect in the way that I would like, but nonetheless he influences me to become a better man of character. I very much appreciate the way that he has given me space to become the man that I am supposed to be. I feel that he respects me as a leader and a pastor and has given me "space in the pasture" for lead and discover.

I also invite Tami Firman into my life to teach me how to lead people. Anyone that has been around Tami for any length of time knows that she tackles major efforts with other people. However, she doesn't just "use" people, but through these projects she finds ways to disciple and pastor people. Tami also meets with me weekly.

I carry a briefcase bag around that has the company name "Ruralite" screen printed on the side. Russell Green recently noticed me carrying books and notes around in a baby gap bag and he found that not becoming to my manhood or leadership, so he provided me a much better alternative. This small gesture of generosity i a great example of how Russell consistently interacts with me.

He didn't show up at my office one day and insist on dragging me through some image or efficiency makeover. instead, he has built relationship with me enough to notice the things of my leadership that can be helped. And in the context of the conversation of friendship Russell is able to shape me.

My life and leadership are also profoundly shaped by people who are not as close in geography to me. As a result of the distance I intereact with them at a different level. My father for instance influences me every day as he leads his congregation in Creswell, Oregon. He has served there faithfully for 20 years - pastoring, shepherding, teaching and leading. Every once in a while I get an update of the ministry there and what strikes me over and over is the consistent character that my dad has exhibited. He has always sought to honor people. And if you have been around people very long - you know that people don't often deserve unswerving patience, humility and love. But if you have been around Jon Hovet you have no doubt been affected by his Jesus like consistency and love.

My dad reminds me that this life is not a sprint, but a marathon. (Perhaps it is appropriate that he runs multiple marathons each year). He reminds me that I need to do the small things well - I need to serve people, I need to serve my family and I need to be devoted to God's word. He shows me how to think of "others more highly" than myself (Philippians). I love that, from a slight distance, God uses my dad as a constant example of Jesus the shepherd.

Chris Manginelli was one of the first people to take a chance on me. When he was the interim pastor at Evergreen Christian Center, he hired me to pastor the young adults of the church.

I was clueless. He had previously shepherded these people and had done a great job. And now his ministry was being inherited by a developing, struggling young pastor.

As I progressed in my leadership Chris invested confidence in me. Even when I questioned the fact that he hired me, he still took steps of faith towards me and continually put me in positions of influence. Those investments are paying off now. I am, perhaps, a long term investment, but those risks and patient investments are paying dividends.

Chris now pastors up in Washington. But he still influences me. Mostly it is over the phone - he takes the time to talk pastoring and life stuff with me. And today Donia and I sat with him for a couple of hours, talking life and ministry. We had some good laughs as he recalled me replacing (by accident) the "W" on witch with a "B" during the first full weekend preaching I did at Evergreen.

From afar Chris helps me to become who i am supposed to be. He believes in me.

Chris has recently hired Dave Metsker to be on his staff. I am so jealous. (wink) Dave develops leaders. I wrote all about Dave in a prior post - but he has practically invested so much into me. Just this weekend he has helped me to develop a process to develop my youth leaders! Dave models for me what it truly means to invest others.

These people help me to become who God is asking me to be. Each day I thank God for the wonderful people around me - people that have so much to offer me.

Thank you Jesus...

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Hillsboro, Oregon, United States
Just a guy in Oregon