We are exploring reformed theology and living in community. Here are some thoughts and observations along the way.

Thursday, July 31, 2008


Child prostitution up after Kenya's election bloodshed

Tapes show victims screaming, crying, gasping for air

My heart is breaking.
My anger is rising.
What are we doing to intervene?
What are we doing when we hear these screams?
Will we fit ourselves for battle or just hang up the phone to avoid the rattle?

Blood, sex, violence, gore
People are dying, but we want more
Blood, sex, violence, gore
People are crying, but give us more

God is angry, God is just
In middle of this blatant lust
For more for now for keeps
He won't let us off the hook
We are the creeps
Its cheap to pick the splinter from the eye
When our lives pass by
In a big lie of me and my and mine
Its brine fit for swine
Point that finger into your own sternum
Let it sink and twist and turn
Its time to think and fix and turn

Repent. Repent. Repent.
God sent, he sent, he sent
He spent, he spent, he spent
So he could relent

Will we go, go, go
To show, show, show
To throw, throw, throw
The vile prince of darkness
To his darkness, where the darkest hour for him yet remains
Evil will be repaid

Ready yourself!
Rid yourself!

And GO.

Speak Out

Psalm 107:2
Has the Lord redeemed you? Then speak out! Tell others he has redeemed you from your enemies!
Jesus, thank you for your life given that I may be able to have life now and eternally. you have redeemed me! You have given me purpose, hope and opprtunity to be partnered with you. Thank you for taking my shame, pain and failure upon your shoulders so I might have life and have it in abundance.

What have been my enemies? I am my own worst enemy - were it that I lived with an oppressive king striking me so I would work, this passage might ring a bit different. But I read it so say - "tell others he has redeemed you from yourself!"

I am pitiful, sinful and selfish - but you invade all of that, you remove my tattered outward garments and are giving me a new heart, a new mind and a new purpose - one that shines true from the inside - from all of who I am.

Today, Jesus, I ask fo an opportunity to share of your great love. I ask that I might be able to share your love to Arielle, Bubbles, Micheal, Luis, DJ, Austin or Beanie. I also pray for another God-centered conversation with Cody. Lord Jesus! Please rule and reign today!

Psalm 107:43
Those who are wise will take all this to heart; they will see in our history the faithful love of the Lord.

Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Don't let the Lord rest

Isaiah 62:6-7
"O Jerusalem, I have posted watchmen on your walls; they will pray day and night, continually. Take no rest, all you who pray to the Lord. Give the Lord no rest until he completes his work, until he makes Jerusalem the pride of the earth"
The Lord is speaking to me - that I am not to grow weary in doing good - in working to perpetuate the Kingdom. i know that it isn't something that I have to create - for the Lord is the "Lord of the Harvest." But, he does call me to be an active participant with what he is doing. I am to be a sower. And the more I sow, the more others have the opportunity to grow. My sowing will "give the Lord no rest."

Jesus, I pray that today you would renew me with strength that comes from your Spirit alone. After a long journey this summer, I am physically weary, but I pray that you would renew me spiritually so I may be able to sow more.

Today, I am all yours.

Tuesday, July 29, 2008

What now?

A friend has left.

Josh flew home to the Netherlands today.

I am sad.

Josh is a good friend, a lifter of the lids in my life and a great encourager to all around.

I honestly am having a hard time picturing what life will look like around here in Hillsboro and at Evergreen Christian Center without him. Yes, he has made that much of a difference.

For now - I am transitioning - the year of the European ID students is over. The time of my church providing lots of administrative help for me is over. It is now time for me to focus on the coming year - I need to become better at empowering others to ministry, need to have greater faith than what I have had before and need to give time and space for planning and vision!

Josh, I miss you already.

I pray that your flight is wonderful, that you catch your connection to Amsterdam and that we can work together again in the future.

Saturday, July 26, 2008

Lifters around me

I am studying leadership. Leadership has always fascinated me - perhaps because I have always been told that I am a leader. I have found that I am most functional as a leader when I am taking the time to honestly evaluate myself as a leader. I have to really try in order to be effective.

I think some are more naturally inclined towards positive and effective leadership. These people I envy, for they, out of habit or impulse, lead effectively. I find that I have to grind some stuff out - focus on leadership development constantly.

Why? Because most leadership revolves around character. In order for me to lead, I must be leading myself - and that doesn't happen on accident.

Today, Jesus, I need to be led by you. I need your Spirit to guide me and hone me. Thank you for the many opportunities to grow, to learn and to change. Thank you for being patient with me, for directing my steps and for always placing me where you want me to be.

David had Jonathan. Jonathan was the next in line to be king (according to normal royal-bloodline progressions), but David had been anointed to be king. Instead of hating David, Jonathan served David and directly helped him to become who he was called to be. John Maxwell points out 3 things that Jonathan did for David, so that David could overcome obstacles in his life
  1. He lifted up David with his words
    David needed encouragement - he needed affirmation and he needed to be challenged. Jonathan was able to thrust David forward with the power of words. Two things for me - I am stating today that I am going to increase my positive words and encouragement to the leaders around me. Secondly, I am so grateful for the people in my life who speak encouragement to me.
  2. He raised David up with his actions
    David needed Jonathan to equip him and to ratify his leadership. I see that need in my own life. I have people in my life - praise the Lord - who rally around me. Without these people I would not be in the place that I am. May I never take it for granted - I am where I am because of others! Thank you Jesus!
  3. He 'gave up' so that David could 'go up'
    Jonathan gave up his "rights" so David could be successful. Am I giving up my "rights" so that others can be successful? Am I grateful for the others around me who have given up theirs for me?
Lord, it is good to be called. Thank you for placing people around me. I want to grow, to learn and to be the best leader I can be.

I give you this day.

Thursday, July 24, 2008

When a leader improves

I am a lid on the potential of the people who serve with me. As their leader I can hold them back or I can choose to expand and grow so that those around me expand and grow.

I think it is tempting to want to blame the followers or those in less significant positions for the lack of movement forward in any given organization.

David is a guy who lifted the lid of leadership. When all (including Saul) were afraid to jump into the fight and take on the behemoth Goliath, David went for it and released the potential of Israel's armies:
Then the men of Israel and Judah gave a great shout of triumph and rushed after the Philistines, chasing them as far as Gath and the gates of Ekron. The bodies of the dead and wounded Philistines were strewn all along the road...
I have to ask myself - where do I hold the armies back? in what way are my own limits, fears or inadequacies holding us back from exploding in fruit?

What lids can I lift? How can I improve today as a leader?

Any suggestions? I am open...

Monday, July 21, 2008

Leadership Lids - Saul and David

Every leader's success will be determined by their leadership ability, not by their personal gifting or charisma. There are things in every leaders life that inhibit their overall success. It is my goal to identify the lids in my life so that I can become the best leader I can be.

Saul had his lids. Mostly they were character flaws:
  • Fear
  • Jealousy
  • Impulsiveness
  • Anger
These things caused him to be unable to cope with the strains of leadership. Eventually he crumbled and those he was leading suffered. If Saul had been able to overcome his insecurity and humble himself, he might have been a great leader.

David also had lids. He was the youngest and was overlooked by his own father. When Samuel went to choose one of Jesse's sons to be king, David wasn't even invited to be considered. David was able to overcome that obstacle through hard work and dedication to the Lord first.

What are my lids?
  • Fear - sometimes I assume failure will happen rather than success. Also, I hesitate in getting to know new people - I am afraid my efforts won't be successful.
  • Inconsistency - I can be emotionally driven and therefore am often times up and down in my leadership. I know the Lord is teaching me to be more stable and faith filled.
Jesus, I lift to you my lids - I don't want to be held back any longer, but I want to overcome these obstacles so I can be the best leader I can be.

About Me

Hillsboro, Oregon, United States
Just a guy in Oregon