We are exploring reformed theology and living in community. Here are some thoughts and observations along the way.

Monday, March 17, 2008

Fruit of Salvation - Philippians

May you always be filled with the fruit of your salvation—the
righteous character produced in your life by Jesus Christ
—for this will bring
much glory and praise to God.

The fulfillment of a cycle.

Seeds - gestation - pollination - growth - blossom - fruit

I am no botanist. But I do see the complicated process that is required for fruit to be born. I look outside at this moment and the trees are still enduring the long winter. And prior to that the fall stole their fruit and robbed them of their leaves, and yet, in their dying we saw beauty.

All around I see the myriad of ways by which God is proclaiming life through death.

Paul encourages me to be filled with the fruit that Jesus' death brings. I am just the harvester of that which Christ did for me and in me. There is nothing that I have done that grants me this fruit. I am not the planter - what I have sown is death and sin.

But, during my own dark spring of planting, which can only bear death, there was another - who planted the seeds of salvation into the fabric of history so that while the hot summer sun of sin bears down and wreaks destruction on my field, I am set free in the fall to receive the fruit of the life-giver.

And so, carrying this gift of love and grace I re-enter the winter months of this world. All is dark and cold, and yet I now have opportunity to distribute the evidences of a bountiful harvest.

For this basket of fruit in my arms cannot be hidden in my pantry. This stuff is for giving and showing off!


What gift will I be today?

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About Me

Hillsboro, Oregon, United States
Just a guy in Oregon