We are exploring reformed theology and living in community. Here are some thoughts and observations along the way.

Sunday, March 16, 2008

Great people make the world great

I have no doubt of the things that God is doing in my life.

I have received a new vision for my life over the last couple of months. I know that I am called to be a leader and to make efforts in my life to become the best leader that I can be.

God places people in our lives that are able, from varying distances, to influence and stir us to greater depths of character and, for me, leadership.

Up close I have several people who I invite to influence my life. My senior pastor - Marc Shaw - and I have a meeting scheduled every week so that he can influence me. Sometimes life is crazy and we don't connect in the way that I would like, but nonetheless he influences me to become a better man of character. I very much appreciate the way that he has given me space to become the man that I am supposed to be. I feel that he respects me as a leader and a pastor and has given me "space in the pasture" for lead and discover.

I also invite Tami Firman into my life to teach me how to lead people. Anyone that has been around Tami for any length of time knows that she tackles major efforts with other people. However, she doesn't just "use" people, but through these projects she finds ways to disciple and pastor people. Tami also meets with me weekly.

I carry a briefcase bag around that has the company name "Ruralite" screen printed on the side. Russell Green recently noticed me carrying books and notes around in a baby gap bag and he found that not becoming to my manhood or leadership, so he provided me a much better alternative. This small gesture of generosity i a great example of how Russell consistently interacts with me.

He didn't show up at my office one day and insist on dragging me through some image or efficiency makeover. instead, he has built relationship with me enough to notice the things of my leadership that can be helped. And in the context of the conversation of friendship Russell is able to shape me.

My life and leadership are also profoundly shaped by people who are not as close in geography to me. As a result of the distance I intereact with them at a different level. My father for instance influences me every day as he leads his congregation in Creswell, Oregon. He has served there faithfully for 20 years - pastoring, shepherding, teaching and leading. Every once in a while I get an update of the ministry there and what strikes me over and over is the consistent character that my dad has exhibited. He has always sought to honor people. And if you have been around people very long - you know that people don't often deserve unswerving patience, humility and love. But if you have been around Jon Hovet you have no doubt been affected by his Jesus like consistency and love.

My dad reminds me that this life is not a sprint, but a marathon. (Perhaps it is appropriate that he runs multiple marathons each year). He reminds me that I need to do the small things well - I need to serve people, I need to serve my family and I need to be devoted to God's word. He shows me how to think of "others more highly" than myself (Philippians). I love that, from a slight distance, God uses my dad as a constant example of Jesus the shepherd.

Chris Manginelli was one of the first people to take a chance on me. When he was the interim pastor at Evergreen Christian Center, he hired me to pastor the young adults of the church.

I was clueless. He had previously shepherded these people and had done a great job. And now his ministry was being inherited by a developing, struggling young pastor.

As I progressed in my leadership Chris invested confidence in me. Even when I questioned the fact that he hired me, he still took steps of faith towards me and continually put me in positions of influence. Those investments are paying off now. I am, perhaps, a long term investment, but those risks and patient investments are paying dividends.

Chris now pastors up in Washington. But he still influences me. Mostly it is over the phone - he takes the time to talk pastoring and life stuff with me. And today Donia and I sat with him for a couple of hours, talking life and ministry. We had some good laughs as he recalled me replacing (by accident) the "W" on witch with a "B" during the first full weekend preaching I did at Evergreen.

From afar Chris helps me to become who i am supposed to be. He believes in me.

Chris has recently hired Dave Metsker to be on his staff. I am so jealous. (wink) Dave develops leaders. I wrote all about Dave in a prior post - but he has practically invested so much into me. Just this weekend he has helped me to develop a process to develop my youth leaders! Dave models for me what it truly means to invest others.

These people help me to become who God is asking me to be. Each day I thank God for the wonderful people around me - people that have so much to offer me.

Thank you Jesus...

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About Me

Hillsboro, Oregon, United States
Just a guy in Oregon