We are exploring reformed theology and living in community. Here are some thoughts and observations along the way.

Sunday, March 23, 2008

LA Mission Morning #2

Last night we took time to express to one another our thoughts and feelings so far into the trip. I was so glad to hear everyone be honest. Yes, we had a fantastic day but the team expressed that we are anxious to serve, that we aren't sure what we are getting into and that we feel the need to bond closer before we serve in a radical way.

I also expressed to the team my personal pain - being here in Sacramento brings back so many memories of my late mother-in-law.

After sharing for the better part of an hour we prayed...the prayers were simple but heartfelt.

This morning we will eat breakfast together and then have a team bible study. We will be studying Psalm 107. It is one of my favorite psalms - both because of the incredible content, but also because of the poetic structure.

4 Some wandered in the wilderness,
lost and homeless.
5 Hungry and thirsty,
they nearly died.
6 “Lord, help!” they cried in their trouble,
and he rescued them from their distress.
7 He led them straight to safety,
to a city where they could live.
8 Let them praise the Lord for his great love
and for the wonderful things he has done for them.
9 For he satisfies the thirsty
and fills the hungry with good things.
Lord, we thank you for your light and love. We thank you that you have led us to spiritual safety. We thank you for Easter! Thank you that death had no hold on you! Thank you for providing a way for us to be back in relationship with you.

We appreciate your prayers and support!

We are in his will and being sustained by him!

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About Me

Hillsboro, Oregon, United States
Just a guy in Oregon