We are exploring reformed theology and living in community. Here are some thoughts and observations along the way.

Thursday, March 27, 2008

Street Witnessing - Day 5 PM

There is nothing more intimidating to the Christian than cold turkey evangelism. I have never liked it - maybe more because of me than the actual task.

This sort of action requires such a deep amount of trust, humility and courage.

I was so proud of our students...they didn't back down and gave it their best shot.

We were sent by the Dream Center to Pasadena City College. That didn't make the task seem any easier. Going to talk to young people who think they know more than they do isn't the sort of environment that soothes apprehension.

I myself was apprehensive.

We were given a survey to use as a tool to begin spiritual conversations.

Our students - in pairs - boldly approached college students. They met ex-catholics, Buddhists and agnostics.

They engaged the people and had opportunity to pray with several.


One young lady prayed a prayer of faith in Jesus for the first time.

Praise the Lord.

Our time is drawing to a close here at the Dream Center - but we know that we are going to go home not the same.

Praise the Lord for that!

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About Me

Hillsboro, Oregon, United States
Just a guy in Oregon